Coaching on order and organization

Engaging Reiki to begin a blissfully organized life.

Order changes everything. Order is found in nature. Order is the power that lies underneath our drive, pressing against the elements trying to hold it down. As with nature, an innate sense and a need for order exists in our lives. We can thrive through order, once the first steps are taken to allow it. 

Most often, procrastination in life is a result of overwhelm, which is a result of not having clear beliefs or accurate knowledge on what is needed to even start your organizational projects. What many of us don’t realize is that the most efficient first steps are not what you might think they are. And no, they don’t always start with an all out commitment, or conviction, or a total “clean sweep”

…of anything.

These are the buzzwords of an over-saturated mindset industry, which as you may have found out, don’t often end up leading to the kind of momentum we actually need in order to follow through on making the wonderful changes that help us glide through life’s tasks – and achieve productivity toward the next goal, and the next.

I’ll be helping to guide you through what I consider to be some of the most effective starting measures to take, not only easily but also fun. And I’m promising you that if you start now, to take these steps to organize what are for now, seemingly unimportant areas of your life, and to stay on top of the minute things that I suggest, that things really will start to fall together enough to support your next efforts.

All functions in life can be supported. Everything is in place, stocked up, and practically running itself so you’ll no longer have to stress from overwhelm or procrastination.

How would that feel?

I can tell you, it feels amazing. Today, I can honestly finally say that I am in fact, living a life of organized bliss, and this is the reason for this blog.

There are things that I had to learn over the years which have resulted in the beautiful, serene and organized surroundings in which I now live.

I want to share how to infuse Reiki into this process for those who are now striving for a life of healing with calm productivity and success – all of it, an effective path to getting your life in order.

There are infinite effective ways to optimize your time and energy as you go about your daily routines. Everything from simple organizing hacks for productivity, to learning new skills in the kitchen that not only stretch your dollar but keep yourselves and your family happily nourished during this time of stress and uncertainty. Learning how to infuse  Reiki energy into these tasks will benefit your outcome many times over, than attempts alone, to make progress without it.

Our society doesn’t put enough emphasis on the importance of getting and staying organized, but once you start hearing some of my insights and experience on the topic, you’ll understand why establishing order in all the little details of your day is so crucial to your health, happiness and progress. And then of course, not only why order is important, but how to then get it.

So are you at a point now that you’re feeling the need for a bit more control in life, and ready to find out how to tap into it? Could you use help breaking through procrastination and overwhelm?

This is what I include in my Reiki-infused Organizational Coaching.